Fort Gillem Lodge No. 601 was organized May 26, 2014, and chartered June 10, 2015, by Right Worshipful Grand Master Bruce James of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia.
The chartered principal officers include Worshipful Master Bro. Michael D. Shelton, Senior Warden Bro. Kyler Murray, Junior Warden Bro. Marques Benton, Secretary Bro. Stacy Sears, and Treasurer Bro. Tristian Shelton. The chartering of the lodge was performed by W.C. Thomas Lodge No. 112.
Fort Gillem No. 601 hit the ground running and won “Lodge of the Year” in 2016. When all seemed to be fine, tragedy stuck. Past Master Bro. Shelton was called home a month after elections. Bro. Stacy Sears was voted Worshipful Master in December of the following year. Senior Warden Bro. Stacy Sears would continue the duties of Worshipful Master and be elected at the next election.
The next elected Worshipful Masters were as follows: Past Master Bro. Zack Mitchell, Past Master Bro. Leonard Jacobs Sr., Past Master Bro. Washington Lindsey, Past Master Bro. Vance Trone, Past Master Bro. William Harris, Past Master Bro. Anthony Johnson, and Worshipful Master Bro. Carlos Williams II.
Fort Gillem Lodge No. 601 is active in the community of Forest Park because that is their original service location. The brothers of Fort Gillem Lodge No. 601 made numerous contributions along with annual charity events to benefit the city of Forest Park and will continue to do so for the foreseen future.
Comprised By:
Bro. William Harris, 32°
Past Master